Submit your project

Submission of your project

Welcome to the Verallia Design Awards project submission.

All fields marked with an asterisk * are required to submit your project.

You can add a maximum of 3 people per project (4 in total).

You can save your project using the “save my project” button at the bottom of the page to come back and complete it later.

Once you’ve finished filling in all the fields and uploaded all your files, you need to submit your project using the “submit my project” button, which will then be sent to the Verallia Design Awards team and submitted to the jury.

Good luck!

Deadline for project submissions: 15 March 2024

Your project's category

If your project corresponds to more than one sub-category, click on +

Vous devez sélectionnez au moins une sous-catégorie.

You are

To modify your information, go to your personal account.

Add people

To add up to 3 other people on the project, click on +

This field is required.

This field is required.

This field is required.

This field is required.

This field is required.

This field is required.

Your project

Enter your project information

Main picture (500 ko max) *

This field is required.

The file size is too big.

Secondary pictures (500 ko max)

The file size is too big.

The file size is too big.

The file size is too big.

Import your project as a PDF document (15 MB max) *

This field is required.

The file size is too big.

No video

You have just saved your project, it can be modified at any time until the deadline for submission. To send it definitively click on "Submit my project".
Au moins l'un des champs obligatoire n'est pas rempli. Merci de vérifier les informations du projet.