
Cérémonie de remise des prix verallia design awards
Watch the Highlights of the Verallia Design Awards Ceremony in Video!
We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Verallia Design Awards ceremony was a tremendous success! This event, celebrating creativity, innovation, and glass packaging design, brought together promising...
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Cérémonie de remise des prix verallia design awards
Watch the Highlights of the Verallia Design Awards Ceremony in Video!
We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Verallia Design Awards ceremony was a tremendous success!...
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15 ans verallia design awards anniversaire
Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Verallia Design Awards: An extraordinary creative journey
This year marks a significant milestone in the world of design and innovation in France. The Verallia...
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Remise des prix Verallia Design Awards 15e édition
Congratulations to the winners of the Verallia Design Awards 2024
The 15th edition of the Verallia Design Awards concluded with great success, highlighting innovative...
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trophées Verallia Design Awards
What will the trophy designed by Lionel and Jonathan from Döppel Studio look like?
Every year, the mentor of the Verallia Design Awards has the honor and responsibility of designing the...
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délibération du jury Verallia Design Awards
The Jury Deliberation 2024: A Moment of Creativity and Innovation
On May 23, 2024, the Verallia offices at La Défense were the setting for an exceptional event: the jury...
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dossier Verallia Design Awards
A big thank you to all the participants
We would like to thank everyone who participated in this edition of the Verallia Design Awards. Your...
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